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The Latest: A Weekly Federal Update (08/22/22)

Upcoming Events & Activities

August 22 – 26, 2022

All events are in Eastern Daylight Saving Time

Monday, August 22nd

No events to report.

Tuesday, August 23rd

No events to report.

Wednesday, August 24th

No events to report.

Thursday, August 25th

10:00 AM | House Oversight & Reform: "Effective Environmental Enforcement: Tools and Strategies to Protect Vulnerable Communities"

Friday, August 26th

No events to report.

The latest from the House and Senate committees on energy (infrastructure), WIFIA and SRF grants, water treatment and wastewater management, permitting reform, natural resources management, and environmental justice, and policy developments from the Departments of Energy and the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Recent Legislation

H.R. 8737, To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to deny deductions for marketing related to the extraction, distribution, or consumption of fossil fuels Sponsor: Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA-45) Committee(s): Ways & Means Date Introduced: August 19, 2022


Reuters: Canada Exploring Feasibility of Direct LNG Exports to Europe

August 22nd, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, while speaking alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Montreal, said Canada is exploring ways to see if there is a business case to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) directly to Europe from its east coast.

The latest from House and Senate committees on taxation, Social Security, federal contracting, small business and entrepreneurship support, and monetary policy, and policy developments from the Departments of the Treasury and Commerce, Office of Government Contracting, Small Business Administration, and Federal Open Market Committee (Federal Reserve System).

Recent Legislation

H.R. 8717, To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the inclusion in gross income of social security benefits Sponsor: Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN-02) Committee(s): Ways & Means; Energy & Commerce Date Introduced: August 16, 2022


Politico: Secretary Yellen Wants Spending Plan From IRS Within 6 Months

On August 17th, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced she told the Internal Revenue Service to deliver a spending plan detailing how the agency will plan to spend the $80 billion–provided by the Inflation Reduction Act–in identifying how to boost taxpayer services and outdated technology systems, while also better targeting tax evasion by the wealthy.

The latest from House and Senate committees on Covid-19 vaccination and testing, developing infectious diseases, health insurance, telehealth services, tobacco and other regulated substances, and policy developments from the Department of Health & Human Services, including the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Food & Drug Administration, and Indian Health Service.

Recent Legislation

H.R. 8724, To establish a program of research regarding the risks posed by the presence of dioxins, phthalates, pesticides, chemical fragrances, and other components of menstrual products and intimate care products Sponsor: Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY-12) Committee(s): Energy & Commerce Date Introduced: August 16, 2022


Reuters: Pfizer Seeks Emergency Authorization for Retooled Omicron Vaccine

On August 22nd, Pfizer, Inc. and German partner, BioNTech, said they had sought U.S. authorization for a COVID-19 vaccine retooled to target the Omicron variant. The request to the Food & Drug Administration was for a so-called bivalent vaccine containing the dominant BA.4/BA.5 variants of the virus along with the original coronavirus strain. It is intended for ages 12 and above. Pfizer said it was ready to deliver doses for September under a $3.2 billion deal in place with the U.S. government for 105 million doses, including the Omicron-tailored shots.

The latest from the House and Senate committees on immigration and asylum policy, detention, border security, criminal justice reform, and firearm regulation, and policy developments from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, including Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Marshals Service, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives.

Recent Legislation

H.R. 8725, To provide supplemental appropriations for the Emergency Food & Shelter Program to provide humanitarian relief for migrants Sponsor: Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) Committee(s): Appropriations Date Introduced: August 16, 2022


Reuters: U.S. Could Expand Remote Verification of Immigrant Worker Eligibility

On August 18th, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said it is considering permanently allowing businesses to remotely verify some immigrant employees' eligibility to work in the U.S., saying a shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic is likely here to stay. DHS published a proposal in the Federal Register that would allow the agency to expand on a temporary program launched during the pandemic, when business closures made it difficult for employers to verify documents in person.

The latest from the House and Senate committees on industrial and commercial mechanical insulation, telecommunications and information technologies, electric vehicles & charging infrastructure, supply chains, port authority, public transit, and airports, and policy developments from the Departments of Energy, Housing & Urban Development, and Transportation; Federal Communications Commission; and National Labor Relations Board.

Recent Legislation

H.R. 8733, To require the Secretary of the Army to include communities affected by major disasters in the definition of an economically disadvantaged community Sponsor: Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA-03) Committee(s): Transportation & Infrastructure Date Introduced: August 19, 2022

H.R. 8727, To establish an alternative fuel and low-emission aviation technology program Sponsor: Rep. Nikema Williams (D-GA-05) Committee(s): Transportation & Infrastructure; Science, Space, & Technology Date Introduced: August 17, 2022


Politico: Treasury Releases EV Tax Credit Guidance

The Treasury Department issued initial guidance for automakers and consumers on August 16th outlining which vehicles are now eligible for federal electric vehicle tax credits under the newly-minted reconciliation law — a drastic cut from what models qualified before.

There are now 18 model year 2022 vehicles and three model year 2023 vehicles currently on the market that are eligible for existing federal EV tax credits until the end of this year, according to the Department of Energy. That's down from 53 different all-electric models and 89 plug-in hybrid models (though some of those models cut include ultra-expensive supercars) that were eligible for tax credits prior to the bill becoming law — roughly an 85 percent cut.

The latest proposed rules and notices of funding opportunity from the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Health & Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing & Urban Development, the Interior, the Treasury, and Transportation; Environmental Protection Agency; and Small Business Administration.

HHS: Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Migrant Health

On August 22, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced the upcoming meetings of the National Advisory Council on Migrant Health, which will be on November 2-3 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM in Rockville, Maryland. Attendees may also observe virtually as well. NACMH advises, consults with, and makes recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on policy, program development, and other matters of significance concerning the activities under section 217 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended . Specifically, NACMH provides recommendations concerning the organization, operation, selection, and funding of migrant health centers, and other entities under grants and contracts under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act.

FDA: Delayed Date for Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages & Ads

On August 18th, the Food & Drug Administration announced a delay to the effective date of the final rule (“Tobacco Products; Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements”) until October 6, 2023, per an order issued by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.

CMS: Mandatory Medicaid & CHIP Core Set Reporting

On August 22nd, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced proposed rules to establish the requirements for mandatory annual State reporting of the Core Set of Children's Health Care Quality Measures for Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the behavioral health measures on the Core Set of Adult Health Care Quality Measures for Medicaid, and the Core Sets of Health Home Quality Measures for Medicaid. This proposed rule would also establish compliance requirements. These rules would apply to rural health clinics (RHCs) and facilities operated by the Indian Health Service, by Tribes and Tribal Organizations under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, and by Urban Indian Organizations under Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. CMS also acknowledged that this proposed rule will have a substantial impact on small rural hospitals.

The latest reports, studies, and research issued from the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Government Accountability Office (GAO), public policy organizations such as the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), Resources For the Future (RFF), Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), and others.


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