The Latest: A Weekly Federal Update (03/28/22)

Upcoming Events & Activities
March 28th, 2021 - April 1st, 2022
All events in Eastern Standard Time
Monday, March 28th
10:00 AM - House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee: Hearing on "
Tuesday, March 29th
10:00 AM - House House Committee: Hearing on "The President's FY2023 Budget"
10:00 AM - Senate Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Committee: Hearing on "Rise & Shine: Improving Retirement and Enhancing Savings"
10:30 AM - House Energy & Commerce Committee: Hearing on "Trusting the Tap: Upgrading America’s Drinking Water Infrastructure"
11:00 AM - Senate Budget Committee: Hearing on "The President's FY2023 Budget Proposal"
Wednesday, March 30th
1:45 PM - Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee: Hearing on "The Supply Chain Crisis & the Implications for Small Businesses"
2:00 PM - House Homeland Security Committee: Hearing on "Mobilizing our Cyber Defenses: Securing Critical Infrastructure Against Russian Cyber Threats"
Thursday, March 31st
10:00 AM - House Appropriations Committee: Hearing on "FY2023 Budget Request for the Department of Health and Human Services"
10:00 AM - House Natural Resources Committee: Hearing on "Benefits of the Legacy Pollution Clean-up Programs of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law"
10:00 AM - Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee: Hearing on "Domestic Mineral Supply Chains"
Friday, April 1st
No events to report.
Energy, Water & Environment
The latest from the House and Senate Committees on energy (infrastructure), WIFIA, wastewater management, environmental issues, interior, or environmental justice.
H.R. 7207, To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Venezuela
Sponsor: Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL-19) referred to Ways & Means Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
H.R. 7222, To prohibit the importation of uranium from the Russian Federation
Sponsor: Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN-08) referred to Ways & Means Committee; Energy & Commerce Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
Business Insider: Putin Orders Russian Industry, Central to Switch to Rubles for Exports
On Monday, March 28th, Russian President Vladimir Putin has order Russian natural gas giant, Gazprom, and the Central Bank of Russia to prepare to start taking only rubles, instead of Euros or U.S. Dollars, for natural gas exports from "unfriendly" countries and they should finalize their plans for this switch by March 31st. Russia accounts for around 45% of EU gas imports, with pipeline exports to Europe normally paid for in euros.
Federal Register: FERC Seeks Public Comments on Interim Natural Gas Pipeline Rule
Until April 4, 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is accepting public comments regarding an interim policy statement, which describes the Commission's procedures for evaluating climate impacts under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and describes how the Commission will integrate climate consideration into its public interest determinations under the Natural Gas Act (NGA). FERC is accepting comments on the information collection until May 10, 2022.
Transportation & Infrastructure
The latest from the House and Senate Committees on industrial and commercial mechanical insulation, cybersecurity, supply chains, port authority, metropolitan transit, or airports.
H.R. 7193 - China Trade Relations Act, To withdraw normal trade relations treatment from, and apply certain provisions of title IV of the Trade Act of 1974 to, products of the People’s Republic of China, and to expand the eligibility requirements for products of the People’s Republic of China to receive normal trade relations treatment in the future
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ-04) referred to Ways & Means Committee
Date Introduced: March 21, 2022
H.R. 7204 - RATES Act, To amend title 49, United States Code, to encourage economic sustainability of intercity passenger rail service
Sponsor: Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR-01) referred to Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
H.R. 7229 - Renewing Investment in American Workers and Supply Chains Act, To
Sponsor: Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN-02) referred to Ways & Means Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
Politico: Biden Budget Proposes Over $105 Billion for DOT
President Joe Biden’s budget request for DOT in fiscal 2023 requests more than $105 billion for DOT, including $26.8 billion in discretionary funding, a significant jump for the department that reflects the influx of cash from the recently-enacted infrastructure law. That sum includes $68.9 billion for the federal highway program and $4.5 billion in capital grants for transit systems. The budget also requests $48.1 billion for cybersecurity initiatives for DOT as the country braces for a possible cyber attack from Russia. The FAA would receive about $15.2 billion, according to the budget summary provided by the Office of Management and Budget. Airports would receive around $3 billion in capital improvement grants, in addition to a new airport terminal grant program the infrastructure law created amounting to $3 billion. Within DHS, the TSA would be allocated about $7 billion, including $119 million for aviation screening infrastructure and $167 million for equipment expenses. Customs would receive about $16.3 billion and the Coast Guard would receive about $9.6 billion. In line with DOT’s increased focus on social and racial equity, the Office of Civil Rights would get $21 million for fiscal 2023.
Immigration & Detention
The latest from the House and Senate Committee on immigration, detention, homeland security, border security, asylum seekers, criminal justice reform, Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP), U.S. Marshal Service (USMS), alternatives to detention programming, reentry programming, or Bureau of Prisons.
H.R. 7214, To amend title 18, United States Code, to require that notice of criminal surveillance orders be eventually provided to targets, to reform the use of non-disclosure orders to providers, to prohibit indefinite sealing of criminal surveillance orders
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA-33) referred to Judiciary Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
Politico: Advocates Pressure Biden Administration to End Covid Rule for Migrants
Pressure is increasing for the Biden administration to end a Trump-era public health order being used to turn away migrants at the U.S. border, as Covid-19 cases drop and pandemic restrictions relax across the country. Congressional lawmakers, public health experts and immigration advocates say the expulsions are not being used to keep Covid-19 out of America but to stop migrants from coming in — and in the process denying people fleeing violence and persecution the chance to seek asylum. Nearly two million people have been expelled at the northern and southwest land borders under the controversial order, known as Title 42, on the basis that allowing them into the U.S. immigration system during the pandemic poses a threat to Americans’ health. The administration has said it is preparing for that possibility. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the agency responsible for invoking the policy in 2020 — says it is now evaluating the order, which comes up for review every 60 days and ends on March 30.
Public Health & Safety
The latest from House and Senate committees on health insurance, COVID-19 and testing, gun safety, Medicare & Medicaid, telehealth, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), CDC, FDA, or rural hospitals.
H.R. 7208 - Medical Supply Chain Security Act, To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide enhanced security for the medical supply chain
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI-08) referred to Energy & Commerce Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
H.R. 7213, To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide pharmacy reimbursement for COVID-19 related and future emergency services
Sponsor: Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI-03) referred to Ways & Means Committee; Energy & Commerce
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
H.R. 7230, To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to expand affordability of health insurance for working families
Sponsor: Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA-7) referred to Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
Politico: Biden Administration Requests $127 Billion for HHS
The Biden administration has asked for more than $127 billion to fund the Department of Health and Human Services in fiscal year 2023, a roughly 15 percent spike from 2022 funding that includes major increases for pandemic preparedness and public health surveillance. Biden released his 2023 funding proposal less than two weeks after Congress passed the 2022 funding that covers agencies’ budgets through Sept. 30 but omits Biden’s $15 billion request for more Covid-19 relief. Health officials have said without new funding, they cannot buy additional coronavirus treatments, vaccines and tests, or continue certain studies. The administration’s health equity goals run throughout the budget request, which includes $470 million to improve maternal health care in rural and underserved communities and $400 million for family planning services in low-income areas. It also asks for $9.1 billion in mandatory funding for the Indian Health Service, an increase of $2.9 billion from 2021.
Finance & Federal Partnerships
The latest from House and Senate committees on taxation, retirement, small business, federal contracting, or monetary policy.
H.R. 7201, To reinstate pre-pandemic telework policies of Executive agencies
Sponsor: Rep. Jerry Carl (R-AL-01) referred to Oversight & Reform Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
H.R. 7209 - Price Stability Act, To amend the Federal Reserve Act to remove the mandate on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee to focus on maximum employment
Sponsor: Rep. J. French Hill (R-AR-02) referred to Financial Services Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
H.R. 7217 - Disability ID Act of 2022, To direct the Secretary of Transportation to establish a program to award grants to State and Tribal governments to facilitate the placement of disability identifier symbols on certain identification cards
Sponsor: Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY-06) referred to Committee
Date Introduced: March 24, 2022
Notices of Funding Opportunities
Transportation Grants: Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Opportunity
From March 25th until May 25th, 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation is accepting applications for three funding opportunities: The National Infrastructure Project Assistance grants program (Mega), the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highways Projects grants program (INFRA), and the Rural Surface Transportation Grant program (Rural). Applicants can apply for just one opportunity or two or all three and must submit applications via information regarding this notice, please contact the Office of the Secretary via email at, or call Paul Baumer at (202) 366-1092.
Special Reports
The latest from reports issued from the Office of Government Accountability, the Congressional Research Service, and others.
GAO: March 17, 2022 - Aircraft Noise: FAA Should Improve Efforts to Address Community Concerns
CRS: March 25, 2022 - Expedited Removal of Aliens: An Introduction
CRS: March 24, 2022 - OSHA: COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) on Health Care Employment and Vaccinations and Testing for Large Employers
CRS: March 23, 2022 - Crude Oil Windfall Profits Taxes: Background and Policy Considerations